Trainer Strawberry: Chapter 15

“Alright, guys. As a special reward for all of your hard work at the Gym, you may all pick out one thing from this store that you want, and I’ll buy it for you,” I told my Pokemon as we stood at the entrance to a gift shop in Rustboro City. We had decided that it wouldn’t hurt to stay a few more days in the city before we moved on. After all, all work and no play isn’t fun for anyone. I told my Pokemon to meet me at the entrance in an hour; they agreed and set off to pick out what they wanted.

*Zip’s point of view*

Alright! Now’s my chance to get something cool. What should I get? A collar? An armband? A cape?! There’s so many cool things in here! How can I choose just one? Maybe I should ask Caso for some advice. He probably knows what the coolest thing in this store is! After all, he’d have to be pretty cool to already be a Marshtomp!

I rushed through the aisles looking for anything I thought was cool and trying to find Caso. While I was running around, I spotted something that made me stop in my tracks. There, sitting near the door, was a Plusle that appeared to have gotten into a fight that it couldn’t win. It had bruises all over it, and it looked sad. Another thing I noticed right off was that it was alone. Usually, Plusles hang out with Minuns, and the two Pokemon are never apart.

Maybe I should go ask what’s wrong, but, then I might not have enough time to pick something out. Well, if I was that Plusle, I’d want someone to ask me what was wrong.

I then ran over to see what had happened. The Plusle told me that it was attacked by a pack of Mightyenas, and that while it had escaped, its best friend wasn’t so lucky. I felt really sorry for the poor Pokemon. Suddenly, I knew exactly what I was going to get in the store.

*Scar’s point of view*

I didn’t really want anything from the store, so I just flew around, practicing my flying maneuvers. Then I spotted Zip running around the place like crazy. I figured he was probably trying to figure out what he wanted, so I didn’t pay much attention. Or at least, I didn’t pay much attention until Zip stopped suddenly. That was really unlike him. Things got even stranger when he bolted for the door. I decided to see what was going on, so I flew over to check it out.

When I reached the door, I saw what Zip had been so concerned about. It was a Plusle. The red-eared Pokemon was telling Zip something, but I couldn’t catch what it said.

But, you know, maybe I will get something at this store after all…

*Aqua’s point of view*

I walked through the aisles looking at all of the colorful things they had. Well, I wasn’t really looking, I was actually acting like I was looking while I was really thinking about ham sammiches. That’s when Zip ran by and nearly knocked me over. Which snapped me out of my train of thought.

Aw man. I was just thinking about this awesome ham sammich that was bigger than a skyscraper! Why did Zip have to snap me out of that? Suddenly I noticed Zip head for the door. I wonder what he’s doing? It isn’t time for Strawberry to pick us up yet. Next I saw Scar fly over to the door too. Alright, now I know something’s going on.

I headed over to see what was going on for myself. And after I did, I knew what I was going to get in the store.

*Later, when Strawberry came to pick the Pokemon up*

“Alright guys, did you all find something you like?” I asked my Pokemon as they gathered at the door to show me what they had picked out. Pepper had picked out a metal armband, Caso had picked out a collar with small spikes on it, Zip had picked out a small Minun plushie, Scar had picked out a basket of Oran berries, and Aqua had picked a basket of macarons.

After I had paid for the items my Pokemon had gotten, we left the store. Suddenly Zip, Scar, and Aqua stopped at the door.

“What’s the matter guys?” I asked as I approached my Pokemon. When I came closer, I noticed a Plusle sitting there. As I stared, not knowing what to think, Zip, Scar, and Aqua gave the items they had gotten to the poor thing. When the Plusle saw the items, its face brightened up immediately. Then it began to jump up and down in joy. I don’t think I had ever seen a Pokemon that was so happy. After thanking Zip, Scar, and Aqua for the gifts, the little electric Pokemon ran off. Words could not describe how proud I was of my Pokemon, and I told them that. Then we headed to the Pokemon Center to rest up for our journey the next day.


What’s this?! A new chapter of Trainer Strawberry?! Is this a dream? No, no it isn’t. This is really happening. And I have plans for that Plusle. Mwa ha ha.

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